名人寄语读书日 张建国推荐《心胜理由》

2014-04-23 09:24:18


名人寄语读书日 张建国推荐《心胜理由》

Reading is a very important part of my life as it allows me to satisfy my curiosity, to a certain degree. My interests are very vast, from daily happenings to varies local and international articles and stories, political viewpoints and business news. I enjoy opening the newspaper early in the morning and access international online information as I have lived in 13 countries in 4 continents. It allows me to learn, but as well to improve my critical thinking skills. It is important to challenge information and not to easily accept stated facts as articles, journals and cited information should be questioned, allowing to think differently, “out of the box”, and to expand and enlarge one’s horizon and knowledge. Always challenge the statements and ask appropriate questions to fully understand the motivations behind the thoughts” (Iwan Dietschi, Area General Manager The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street 2014)