名人寄语读书日 张建国推荐《心胜理由》

2014-04-23 09:24:18

 Mr. Li Yan ,General Manager Of Park Plaza Beijing Wangfujing

名人寄语读书日 张建国推荐《心胜理由》

一个人在工作中之所以能不断提高,与其始终如一的学习是分不开的,所谓活到老学到老。庄子说, 吾生也有涯,而知无涯。 Zhuang Zi said: "You are never too old to learn. Your life will come to an end. However, knowledge is endless." I am convinced that the way to improve our work,is closely related to be open to learn new things on a daily basis. 知识是没有穷尽的,坚持阅读学习让人始终处于不败之地。反之,没有知识的不断补充和积累,人便会落后于时代。 Knowledge is limitless. Keep reading and learning as this will only make you more successful. Otherwise, you will only stay behind the times.