
作者:Harvey Day、Timea Szabo、Shen Lu 来源:中国日报网
2017-06-08 17:04:46




8. In a letter to James Madison in March 1787, George Washington wrote, "That a thorough reform of the present system is indispensable, none who have capacities to judge will deny—and with hand and heart I hope the business will be essayed in a full Convention." What does the "thorough reform" refer to?

(2013新课标II)华盛顿在1787年3月致麦迪逊的信中说:“凡是有判断能力的人,都不会否认对现行制度进行彻底变革是必需的。我迫切希望这一问题能在全体会议上加以讨论。”这里所说的“彻底变革”是指(  )

A. Eradicating the defects of the federal system 革除联邦制的弊端

B. Establishing a republican system with checks and balances of three powers 建立三权分立的共和体制

C. Abolishing constitutional monarchy 废除君主立宪制

D. Changing the loose federal system 改变松散的联邦制度

9. Literature and art are products of the times in which they are created that also reflect the spirit of those times. Choose the correct pair below: (2015山东)文学艺术是时代的产物,同时又能反映时代的风貌。下列各项对应关系正确的是(  )

A. Dramatic changes in society following the Industrial Revolution -- rise of Modern Art 工业革命后社会的剧烈变革——现代主义绘画兴起

B. Spiritual crisis in the West post-WWI -- birth of Impressionism 第一次世界大战引发的西方社会精神危机——印象派绘画产生

C. Intensified social conflicts in Western capitalist countries in 19th century --rise of Realism 19世纪上半期资本主义社会矛盾的激化——现实主义文学的兴起

D. Prosperity of Western capitalism after WWII -- birth of Romanticism 第二次世界大战后西方资本繁荣——浪漫主义文学产生



10. Which of the statements below DOES NOT describe homeostasis and regulation within the human body?

(2014江苏)下列关于人体内环境稳态与调节的叙述,错误的是(  )

A. The pituitary-derived hormothyrin is directionally delivered to the thyroid gland via bodily fluids 垂体分泌的促甲状腺激素,通过体液定向运送到甲状腺

B. When a human body encounters cold, both thyroid hormone and adrenaline participate in the body's heat production and regulation mechanisms 人体遇冷时,甲状腺激素和肾上腺素均可参与机体产热调节

C. The secretion of insulin and glucagon is mainly regulation by blood glucose concentration as well as by the nervous system 胰岛素和胰高血糖素的分泌主要受血糖浓度的调节,也受神经调节

D. Inadequate water intake could result in the pituitary gland's release of the antidiuretic hormone and accelerated water reabsoption in renal tubule and collecting duct 饮水不足会引起垂体释放抗利尿激素,促进肾小管和集合管重吸收水








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