文化  >  归档1  >  独家策划  >  21世纪演讲比赛  >  20周年策划



Dr. Verner C. Bickley, MBE

Chairman of the English-Speaking Union, Hong Kong

It is a splendid tribute to the organisers that the 20th National English Speaking Competition is now taking place in Kaifeng. I have been fortunate to attend quite a large number of these Competitions over the years and, from the first, have been most impressed by the efficiency of the organisation and the quality of the competitors. As we all know, language is different from other subjects. It has been compared by one scholar to a mountain that can be approached in different ways. This competition will surely help those who have the courage to enter and who aim to climb this mountain successfully, choosing a path that will enable them to achieve their goal and, in doing so. help them to gain from the experience.


编辑: 舒靓标签: 评委
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