
Prof. Mao Sihui
Director of English Language Centre, Shantou University; Executive Chairman of the Macao-wide English Speech Contest and the China Daily "21st Century Cup" National English Speaking Competition Macao Regional Contest (since 2005)
As a long-time and also long-term partner of the China Daily "21st Century Cup" National English Speaking Competition over the last decade, we've had the great honour and privilege of organising the Macao-wide English Speech Contest since 2002, co-organising the 11th "21st Century Macao Star Cup" National English Speaking Competition in 2006 and hosting the Winners' HK & Macao Study Tour since 2007. For the last 20 years, we have witnessed the great contribution China Daily has made to the creation of a world-class platform for the brightest students and the best “non-native” speakers of English from Greater China to demonstrate their outstanding English language proficiency, great public speaking skills, and diverse and critical views on the world they live in. We wish the competition even greater success in the years to come!